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Wildlife & Quantitative Ecologist
Owner, Architect, & Lead Developer
Insight Database Design & Consulting
970-215-3833, [email protected]
Birth Year: 1971
Citizenship: USA
Academic Status: Emancipated, 22 July 2015
Curriculum Vitae Status: Complete 1990-2015
Note: As of 22 July 2015, the day of my emancipation from academia, I'm no longer working towards any academic status / goals, so this document is complete / will no longer be updated. If you have any questions please send those to [email protected].
University Appointments:
Affiliate Assistant Professor
Dept. of Biology, 2011-2012, University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA)
Graduate Student Thesis Committee Member
George G. Esslinger, UAA, MS, Temporal Patterns in the Behavior and Body Temperature of Sea Otters in Alaska. Graduated Spring 2011.
Undergraduate Student Honors Thesis Committee Member
Connor Jandreau, Colorado State University, BS, Patterns of micro and macro scale selection among small mammals of the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. Graduated Spring 2012.
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Nov 09 – July 15
Colorado Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Department of Fish, Wildlife & Conservation Biology, Colorado State University
Research Areas: Wildlife, Fisheries & Quantitative Ecology
Sept 07 - June 08
Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB),
University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF)
Research Areas: Wildlife & Quantitative Ecology
Postdoctoral Supervisor: Dr. Brian Barnes, Director IAB
Aug 05 - Sept 07
School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, UAF
Research Areas: Wildlife & Quantitative Ecology
Postdoctoral Supervisor: Dr. C. Loren Buck, Associate Professor,
University of Alaska Anchorage (previously at UAF)
Ph. D., Biology, University of New Brunswick Fredericton (UNBF), 2000 - 2005
B.A., Biology, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA), 1990 - 1994
6 Credits, Dean College, Massachusetts, 989 - 1990
Ph. D. Dissertation: Demographic Parameter Estimates and their Biological Implications for a Seabird Metapopulation. Thesis Committee: Drs. Antony W. Diamond (Supervisor), Stephen W. Kress, Richard Elliot, and Gregory Robertson
Academic Awards:
A. J. Levesque Award for an Outstanding Thesis in Biology, UNBF, 2006
Best Student Paper Award, Pacific Seabird Group and Waterbird Society Joint Meeting, Portland, Oregon, 2005
Biology Achievement Award (MCLA), 1994
Graduated with Honors, cum laude (3.4 GPA; MCLA), 1994
Deans List Scholar (MCLA), 1992 - 1994
Grants and Fellowships:
Kress, S.W., Hall S.C. and Breton, A.R., US Department of the Navy, $100,000, 2010 - 2011
National Audubon Society Research Grant: $25,000, 2000 - 2005
John S. Little International Study Fellowship (UNBF): $1,200, 2004
Research Experience:
A. Publications (PDFs available; †postdoc manuscript)
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Williams, C. T. K. Wilsterman, A.D. Kelley, A.R. Breton, H. Stark, M.M. Humphries, A.G. McAdam, B.M. Barnes, S. Boutin, and C.L. Buck. 2014. Light loggers reveal weather-driven changes in the daily activity patterns of arboreal and semi-fossorial rodents. Journal of Mammalogy
Breton, A. R., I.C.T. Nisbet, C. S. Mostello, & J. J. Hatch. 2014. Age-dependent breeding dispersal and adult survival within a metapopulation of Common Terns Sterna hirundo. Ibis 156:534–547.
Esslinger, G. G., J. L. Bodkin, A. R. Breton & D. H. Morrison. 2014. Temporal Patterns in the Foraging Behavior of Sea Otters in Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 78:689–700.
A. R. Breton, & A. W. Diamond. 2014. Annual survival of adult Atlantic Puffins Fratercula arctica is positively correlated with Herring Clupea harengus availability. Ibis 156:35-47.
†A. R. Breton, J. Hawkins., & D. L. Winkelman. 2013. Correcting length-frequency distributions for imperfect detection. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:1156-1165.
†Wolff, B. A., B. M. Johnson, A. R. Breton, P. J Martinez., D. L. Winkelman. 2012. Origins of invasive piscivores determined from the strontium isotope ratio (87Sr/86Sr) of otoliths. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 69: 724-739.
†Oppel, S., A. Raine, J. J. Borg, H. Raine, E. Bonnaud, K. Bourgeois, A.R. Breton. 2011. Is the Yelkouan shearwater Puffinus yelkouan threatened by low adult survival rates? Biological Conservation, 144:2255-2263.
Allard, K. A., , H. G. Gilchrist, A. R. Breton, C. D. Gilbert, & M. L. Mallory. 2010. Adult survival of Thayer’s and glaucous gulls nesting sympatrically in the Canadian High Arctic. Ardea, 98:43-51.
†Buck, C. L., A. R. Breton, O. Toien, B. M. Barnes. 2008. Overwinter body temperature patterns of free-living arctic ground squirrels (Spermophilus parryii). Lovegrove, B.G. and McKechnie, A.E. (eds.). Hypometabolism in animals: torpor, hibernation and cryobiology. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg. pgs. 317-326.
Breton, A. R., G. A. Fox, & J. Chardine. 2008. Survival of adult Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus) from a Lake Ontario colony over two decades of environmental change. Waterbirds, 31: 15-23.
†Breton, A. R., D. Kildaw, K. Murra, & C. L. Buck. 2008. Multilevel models reveal no cohort-level variation in time spent foraging to account for a collapse in kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) breeding success. Ecological Modeling, 212:233-243.
†Whidden, S. E., C. Williams, A. R. Breton, & C. L. Buck. 2007. Effects of radio-transmitters on Tufted Puffin (Fratercula cirrhata) reproductive success. Journal of Field Ornithology, 78:1-7.
Keeler, R., A. R. Breton, D. Peterson, & R. Cunjak. 2007. Survival and movement of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) in five New Brunswick streams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 136:281-292.
Allard, K. A., A. R. Breton, H. G. Gilchrist, & A. W. Diamond. 2006. Adult survival of herring gulls breeding in the Canadian Arctic. Waterbirds, 29:163-168.
Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, & S.W. Kress. 2006. Surface wear on incoloy and darvic bands applied to Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) adults and chicks. Journal of Field Ornithology, 77:111-119.
Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, & S.W. Kress. 2006. Encounter, survival, and movement probabilities from an Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) metapopulation. Ecological Monographs, 76:133-149.
Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, & S.W. Kress. 2005. Adult survival estimates from two Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) colonies in the Gulf of Maine. Auk, 122:773-782.
B. Peer-reviewed Academic & Federal Reports, Single Author
2010 - 2011, Variance components analyses of reproductive parameters: federally endangered california least terns and threatened western snowy plovers, Marine Base Camp Pendleton, San Diego, California
Note: This project was conducted at Marine Base Camp Pendleton in San Diego, California, USA. Research focused on the federally endangered California Least Tern (Sternula antillarum browni) and threatened Western Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus). The variance components analysis was part of a multi-chapter, comprehensive, report.
2008, A review of modern statistical methods used by animal demographers and protocols for estimating population abundance of two Arctic
ground squirrel colonies on the North Slope of Alaska
1998 - 2001, Annual Seal Island National Wildlife Refuge Research and Management Report, National Audubon Society’s Seabird Restoration Program, (NAS’s SRP) and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
1996 - 1997, Annual Eastern Egg Rock Research and Management Report, NAS’s SRP
C. Peer-reviewed Academic & Federal Reports, Co-authored
2014, A user manual for running population dynamics simulations in the projection tool developed for smallmouth bass (Micropterus
dolomieu) in the upper Colorado River basin
2013, Population dynamics modeling of introduced smallmouth bass into the upper Colorado River basin
2012, Management of Black-footed Albatross (Phoebastria nigripes) in the Face of Climate Change
2012, Escapement rates of translocated smallmouth bass from Elkhead Reservoir to the Yampa River
2011, A retrospective assessment of the Upper Colorado River Recovery Program's efforts to manage smallmouth bass
2007, Gulf Apex Predator-Prey Project Final Report, School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks
D. Experiential History including a Research Component
1996-2001, Research Supervisor/Refuge Warden (Maine), USFWS and NAS’s SRP
1998-1999, Research Biologist (Antarctica), for Dr. Wayne Z. Trivelpiece, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Southwest Fisheries
Science Center, University of California at San Diego
1996-1999, Bird Banding Assistant (Maine), Isles of Shoals Marine Lab - Cornell University and the University of New Hampshire
1996, 1997, Resource Manager, Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, Naples, Florida
1997, Research Biologist (California), Point Reyes Bird Observatory
1993-1995, Student and Research Assistant (Maine), NAS’s SRP
Software and Programming Experience:
High: Adobe Photoshop & Acrobat, Band Manager, FTP software, MARK, Microsoft (MS) Access, MS Office, PC Anywhere, SigmaPlot, R, Reference Manager, SAS, Survive, U-CARE, Visual Basic (VB)
Moderate: ArcGIS, ClockLab, Distance, Dreamweaver, Minitab, Presence, SQL
Low: CANOCO, dBase, Macintosh Operating System, Netica (Bayesian Belief Networks), VB.NET, WinBUGS, WebSim, WordPerfect
Teaching Experience:
A. Courses Instructed, Classroom
2007, Managing data with Microsoft Access: goals, philosophy and practice, UAF, Fall Semester, 12 lectures, No exams or teaching assistant
2002, Principles of Ecology (BIO2113), UNBF, Fall Semester, 32 lectures, no lab, 132 students, 3 exams, 1 teaching assistant
Note: For questions about my performance as the instructor of this course please contact Dr. Allen Curry, Department of Biology, UNBF, 506-452-6208.
B. Courses Instructed, Field
2007, Ometepe Biological Field Station on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua, Theory and application of Maximum Likelihood, Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC), capture-mark-recapture, distance sampling, and occupancy models, 10-15 Students, 22 June – 6 July
2005, Marine Field Course (BIO3173), Huntsman Marine Station, UNBF,, Intersession, Instructed Bird Ecology Section, 16 Students
1994, National Audubon Ecology Camp in Maine, Hog Island, An overview of the human and natural history of the Maine coast, 15-30 students
C. Courses Providing Teaching Assistance
2001-2002, Field Methods in Ecology (BIO2105), UNBF, Fall and Winter Semesters, two weekly lab sections, ca. 30 students/section
2000-2001, Man and the Biosphere (BIO1006, BIO1017), UNBF, Fall and Winter Semesters, two weekly lab sections, ca. 16 students/section
D. Tutor for Students with Learning Disabilities
2005, Statistics for the Social Sciences II (STAT3043), UNBF, Winter
2004, Statistics for the Life Sciences (STAT2264), UNBF, Fall
2004, Statistics for the Social Sciences I (STAT2043), UNBF, Fall
Note: For questions about my performance as a tutor please contact Jane Howard, STEP Project Coordinator, Student Accessibility Centre, UNBF, 506-453-3515.
E. Workshops Instructed (I) Or Assisted (A)
(A) Intermediate Program MARK Workshop, Colorado State University, June 2011, Instructed by Drs. Gary White, Ken Burnham, Bill Kendall and Paul Doherty.
(I) A Rapid-prototyping Structured Decision Making Workshop: four climate change case studies. Volcano National Park, Hawaii, March 2011, five days.
(A) Intermediate Program MARK Workshop, Colorado State University, June 2010, Instructed by Drs. Gary White, Ken Burnham, Bill Kendall and Paul Doherty.
(I) An Introduction to Capture-Mark-Recapture (CMR) and Program MARK. March 2006, University of Hannover, Institute for Wildlife Research, Hannover, Germany, two-day workshop, 0900 – 1800hrs/day.
(I) An Introduction to CMR and Program MARK. March 2006, University of Potsdam, Institute for Biochemistry and Biology, Potsdam, Germany, two-day workshop, 0900-1800hrs/day.
(I) Modeling Philosophy, CMR Analysis, and program MARK., April 2004, Fundy Forest Managers, two-day workshop, 0900-1630hrs/day.) Modeling Philosophy, CMR Analysis, and program MARK. UNBF, March 2004, one-day workshop, 0900-1700hrs, 1900-2200hrs.
(I) Managing data with Microsoft Access: design to data entry. UNBF, 2001, half-day workshop, 1300-1800hrs.
F. Invited Seminars/Lectures (presenter in bold)
Departmental Seminars
Graduate-Faculty Seminar Series, Colorado State University, 2011, An assessment of an Endangered Species Recovery Program's efforts to control smallmouth bass: past, present and future. Breton, A. R., D. L. Winkelman, K. R. Bestgen, J. Hawkins, G. C. White & P. J. Martinez.
Graduate-Faculty Seminar Series, Colorado State University, 2010, An Application of Multilevel Mixed Regression Models: Demonstrating the Value of Random Effects and Variance Components. Breton, A. R.
Biological Sciences Department, University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA), 2007, In Pursuit of Reliable Knowledge: science, uncertainty, and planning. Breton, A. R.
Biological Sciences Department, UAA, 2007, Multilevel models reveal no cohort-level variation in time spent foraging to explain a collapse in kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) breeding success. Breton, A. R.
Life Sciences Seminar Series, Institute of Arctic Biology, UAF, 2006, Exploring roles by dispersal and shared characteristics in local population dynamics. Breton, A. R.
Dept. of Biology, UNBF, 2004, Evidence versus significance in model selection problems. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, & S.W. Kress
Dept. of Biology, UNB St. John, 2003, A compelling and rigorous paradigm for investigating ecological processes. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, & S.W. Kress
Undergraduate Course Lectures
Adaptive Fish & Wildlife Management, CSU, 2013. A Structured Decision Making Case Study: Persistence of Black-footed Albatross in the face of climate change. Breton, A. R.
Wildlife Population Dynamics, CSU, 2011. Managing smallmouth bass in the face of uncertainty: Population Projection. Breton, A. R.
Wildlife Techniques, UAF, Institute of Arctic Biology 2005. An introduction to capture-mark-recapture. Breton, A. R.
Vertebrate Zoology, UNBF, Dept. Biology 2005. Research on Atlantic Puffin demography and insights into the life of a graduate student. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, & S.W. Kress
Principles of Ecology, UNBF, Dept. Biology 2003. Use of movement rates to determine emigrant status and estimate emigration rates in Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica). Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, & S.W. Kress
Population Biology, UNBF, Dept. Forestry & Environmental Management 2003. Adult survival of a long-lived seabird, the Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica), at two colonies in the Gulf of Maine. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, & S.W. Kress
Ornithology, UNBF, Dept. Biology 2002. Discovery, natural history, and ecology of the Sphenisciformes. Breton, A. R.
Fields Methods in Ecology, UNBF, Biology Dept. 2002. An introductory strategy for bird identification. Breton, A. R.
Management Seminars: Upper Colorado River Basin Endangered Fish Recovery Program's Non-native Fish Management Workshops: Sponsored by the USFWS.
2013, Population trends of smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin with an evaluation of removal effects. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman & J. A. Hawkins.
2013, Population dynamics modeling of introduced smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman & J. A. Hawkins.
2012, A Revised retrospective assessment of the Recovery Program's effort to control smallmouth bass: 2001-2011. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
2012, Escapement rates of translocated smallmouth bass from Elkhead Reservoir to the Yampa River. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
2012, Population dynamics modeling of introduced smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
2011, A Revised retrospective assessment of the Recovery Program's effort to control smallmouth bass: 2001-2010. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
2011, Escapement rates of translocated smallmouth bass from Elkhead Reservoir to the Yampa River. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
2011, A comprehensive, size-structured, smallmouth bass population dynamics model and projection tool. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
2010, A retrospective assessment of the recovery program's effort to control smallmouth bass. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins, G. C. White & P. J. Martinez.
2010, Population dynamics modeling of introduced smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
2009, Population dynamics modeling of introduced smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
All Other Management Seminars
2005 (winter) Gulf of Maine Seabird Working Group (GoMSWG) meeting. Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Bangor, Maine. Demographic parameter estimates and their biological implications for a seabird metapopulation. Breton, A. R.
2004 (fall) GoMSWG meeting. National Audubon Camp on Hog Island, Maine. Encounter, survival, and movement probabilities from an Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) metapopulation. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond & S.W. Kress.
2003 (winter) GoMSWG meeting. Craig Brook National Fish Hatchery, Maine. Evaluating the reliability of covariate analysis using survival rates from colony-based studies. Breton, A. R.
2002 (fall) GoMSWG meeting. National Audubon Camp on Hog Island, Maine. Estimating survival and movement probabilities for a seabird metapopulation: a summary of progress so far. Breton, A. R.
2001 (winter) GoMSWG meeting. Campobello Island, New Brunswick. Colony and year effects on survival, intercolony movement, and emigration of Atlantic puffins (Fratercula arctica) in the Gulf of Maine. Breton, A. R.
Other Seminars including Job Interviews (position in parentheses)
2008 (Assistant Faculty) Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY: A case study on the foraging ecology of black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla): demonstrating the value of multi-level mixed models and their Variance Components. Breton, A. R.
2007 (Research Associate) Archbold Biological Station, Lake Placid, Florida: An ecological case study demonstrating the value of multi-level mixed models and their variance components. Breton, A. R.
2006 Institute for molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Porto Portugal, An Antarctic experience, life and research on King George Island, South Shetlands. A. R. Breton.
2005 UAF Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society: An Antarctic experience: life and research on King George Island, South Shetlands. Breton, A. R.
2005 Feathers on Friday, UAF: Encounter, survival, and movement probabilities from an Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) metapopulation. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond & S.W. Kress.
G. Conference Presentations
Upper Colorado River Basin Endangered Fish Recovery Program's Researchers Meeting: Sponsored by the USFWS
2014, Population dynamics modeling of introduced smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman & J. A. Hawkins.
2014, Population trends of smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin with an evaluation of removal effects. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman & J. A. Hawkins.
2013, Abundance and population trends of smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman & J. A. Hawkins.
2012, A Revised retrospective assessment of the Recovery Program's effort to control smallmouth bass: 2001-2011. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
2012, Escapement rates of translocated smallmouth bass from Elkhead Reservoir to the Yampa River. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
2011, A Revised retrospective assessment of the Recovery Program's effort to control smallmouth bass: 2001-2010. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
2010, Working towards A unified database and meta-analysis of the Recovery Program's smallmouth bass dataset: progress in data management, software and preliminary analyses. Breton, A. R.
All Other Conference Presentations
34th Annual Pacific Seabird Group Conference, Monterey, California. 2007. Multilevel models reveal no cohort-level variation in time spent foraging to explain a collapse in kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) breeding success. Breton, A. R., S. D. Kildaw, K. Murra & C. L. Buck.
9th International Seabird Group Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland. 2006. Variation in nest attendance among years and colonies in the Black-Legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla). Breton, A. R., S. D. Kildaw, K. Murra & C. L. Buck.
33rd Annual Pacific Seabird Group Conference, Girdwood, Alaska. 2006. On the crucial importance of using databases to manage ecological data: seabird case studies from Kodiak Island and the Gulf of Maine. Breton, A. R., S.W. Kress, A. W. Diamond, S. D. Kildaw, F. Huettmann & C. L. Buck.
2005 Pacific Seabird Group and Waterbird Society Joint Meeting, Portland, Oregon. Encounter, survival, and movement probabilities from an Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) metapopulation. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond & S.W. Kress
9th Annual Atlantic Cooperative Wildlife Ecology Research Network (ACWERN) Conference. UNBF, 2004. Encounter, survival, and movement probabilities from an Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) metapopulation. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, & S.W. Kress.
8th Annual ACWERN Conference. Acadia University, Nova Scotia. 2003. Challenges in estimating seabird demographic parameters: insights and uncertainty. Breton, A. R.
2003 Annual Northeast Wildlife Graduate Student Conference (NWGSC). University of Prince Edward Island. Evaluating the reliability of covariate analysis using survivla rates from colony-based studies. Breton, A. R.
11th Annual Graduate Student Association Conference on Student Research. UNBF, 2003. What is science? Breton, A. R.
2002 Annual NWGSC. UNBF. Adult survival of a long-lived seabird, the Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica), in the Gulf of Maine. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond & S.W. Kress.
6th Annual ACWERN Conference. Sackville, New Brunswick. 2001. Estimating age-specific survival and distribution of emigrants between colonies of Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) in the Gulf of Maine. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond & S.W. Kress.
2001 Annual NWGSC. University of New Hampshire. Colony and year effects on survival, intercolony movement, and emigration of Atlantic Puffins (Fratercula arctica) in the Gulf of Maine. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond & S.W. Kress.
5th Annual ACWERN Conference. Huntsman Marine Lab, New Brunswick. 2000. Sub-adult survival and intercolony movement of Atlantic Puffins (Fratercula arctica) in the Gulf of Maine. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond & S.W. Kress.
H. Conference Posters
9th International Seabird Group Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland. 2006. A comparative analysis of surface wear on incoloy and darvic rings applied to juvenile and adult Atlantic puffins (Fratercula arctica). Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond & S.W. Kress.
25th Anniversary Meeting of the Waterbird Society. Niagara Falls, Canada. 2001. Estimating age-specific survival and distribution of emigrants between colonies of Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) in the Gulf of Maine. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond & S.W. Kress.
The Application of Ecological Research to Conservation: east meets west. Simon Fraser University and Environment Canada, British Columbia. 2001. Estimating age-specific survival and distribution of emigrants between colonies of Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) in the Gulf of Maine. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond & S.W. Kress.
I. Experiential History including a Teaching Component
1996 - 2001, Research Supervisor/Refuge Warden (Maine), United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and NAS’s SRP
1996 - 1997, Outdoor Educator (Florida), NAS, Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary
1994 - 1995, Interpretive Ranger (Arizona), National Park Service, Grand Canyon National Park
1993 - 1994, Student Assistant (Maine), NAS, Audubon Ecology Camp in Maine
Professional Activities:
A. Professional Consultation (contact in parentheses, lists not exhaustive)
Note: Much of my consulting activity has been through my sole proprietorship, Insight Database Design & Consulting, a licensed company in the State of Colorado (previously, Alaska). My clients have been almost exclusively wildlife and fisheries science professionals from academia, state, provincial and federal government. To date, the company has provided consulting in data management, data analysis, study design and professional writing and editing.
Capture-Mark-Recapture Analysis
2012-present, United States Fish & Wildlife Service, Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge (Sara Williams)
2013-present, Tufts University (Dr. Julie Ellis)
2011-2012, Utah Department of Natural Resources (Trina Hedrick)
2010-2014, I.C.T. Consulting, North Falmouth, Massachusetts (Dr. Ian Nisbet)
2010-present, Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, Ontario (Dr. Grant Gilchrist)
2005-present, Atlantic Cooperative Wildlife Ecology Research Network (Dr. Antony Diamond)
2003-2008, Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, Ontario (Dr. Glen Fox)
Data Management, Microsoft Access and Visual Basic 6.0
2015-present, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, United Kingdom (Dr. Alex Bond)
2012-present, United States Fish & Wildlife Service, Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge (Sara Williams)
2012-present, Tufts University (Dr. Julie Ellis)
2010-present, Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, Ontario (Dr. Grant Gilchrist)
2000-present, National Audubon Society, New York, NY (Dr. Stephen Kress)
2005-present, Atlantic Cooperative Wildlife Ecology Research Network (Dr. Antony Diamond)
2009-2011, United States Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center (Gary Drew)
2008, United States Fish & Wildlife Service, Togiak National Wildlife Refuge, Dillingham, Alaska (Allen Miller)
2008-2014, IC.T. Consulting, North Falmouth, Massachusetts (Dr. Ian Nisbet)
2006-2007, Specialist Group on Storks, Ibises, and Spoonbills (Dr. Malcolm Coulter)
2006, Bureau of Land Management, US Department of the Interior, Fairbanks, Alaska (Jon Syder)
2005-2006, United States Fish & Wildlife Service, California Seabird Restoration Project, Sacramento, California (Peter Kappes)
2003-2008, Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, Ontario (Dr. Glen Fox)
General Statistics
2008, United States Geological Survey, Multi-level mixed models/GLMs (George Esslinger)
Wildlife Ecology
2001-2010, Ganglion Films, New York, NY, including on-film commentary in the natural history documentary A Fish out of Water
Professional Writing
2013, 2014, Integrative Physiotherapy, A Physical Therapy Clinic in Fort Collins, Colorado, website text (http://integrativephysiotherapy.com/)
B. Workshop and Conference Organizer (including responsibilities)
Feb 2007, Short Course Coordinator: Why Information-Theoretic Approaches are Replacing Tests and P-values, Dr. David R. Anderson (retired, Colorado State University and F&W Cooperative Unit),
May 2006, 34th Annual Pacific Seabird Group Conference, Monterey, CA, Planning Committee Participant, Multi-media Coordinator, Workshop, Liaison: Model Selection and Multimodel Inference, Dr. David R. Anderson
Nov 2004, Planning Committee Participant, Multi-media Coordinator, Web Page Design and Implementation, Conference Liaison: 9th Annual Atlantic Cooperative Wildlife Ecology Research Network Conference, UNBF
March 2002, Planning Committee Participant, Multi-media, Publicity/Entertainment Coordinator: Northeast Wildlife Graduate Student Conference, UNBF
C. Workshop/Short Course Participant
Nov 2011, Overview of Information-Theoretic Approaches to Formal Inference, Colorado State University (CSU), Dr. David Anderson,
Sept 2011, R workshop, CSU, Dr. Mevin Hooten
Aug 2011, An Advanced program MARK Workshop, Drs. Gary White, Ken Burnham, Evan Cooch, William Kendall, Jeff Laake, Brett McClintock, Chad Bishop, Jake Ivan and Larissa Bailey., CSU
Nov 2010, Overview of Information-Theoretic Approaches to Formal Inference, Colorado State University (CSU), Dr. David Anderson
2008, An Intermediate-level Workshop on Occupancy Models, Dr. Daryl Mackenzie, Proteus Wildlife Research Consultants, UAF, Institute of Arctic Biology
2007, Introduction to programming in R (open source statistical software), Dr. Naoki Takebayashi, UAF, Institute of Arctic Biology,
2007, International Multidisciplinary Metadata Workshop, Multiple Instructors, UAF 2001
Feb 2007, Why Information-Theoretic Approaches are Replacing Tests and P-values, Dr. David R. Anderson, 34th annual Pacific Seabird Group Conference, Monterey, CA
March 2006, Model Selection and Multimodel Inference, Dr. David R. Anderson, UAF,
Jan 2005, Principle Components Analysis, Correspondence Analysis (CA), and Canonical CA Workshop, Dr. Kate Frego (instructor), UNB St. John
Nov 2004, Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems Workshop on Dispersal and Invasions Research, Dr. James Watmough (moderator), Fredericton, New Brunswick
Feb 2004, Multivariate Statistics and their Use in Interpretation of Ecological Data, Dr. Paul Van den Brink, Alterra Green World Research, Netherlands (instructor), UNBF
June 2003 & June 2004, Program MARK Intermediate Level Workshop, Dr.’s David Anderson, Kenneth Burnham, Paul Doherty, and Gary White (instructors), Colorado State University and Colorado Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Nov 2001, Band Manager Workshop (Bird Banding Lab, US Geological Survey), Nicole Benjamin (instructor), UNBF
Dec 2000, Capture-Mark-Recapture Workshop, Dr. Greg Robertson (instructor), Canadian Wildlife Service, UNBF,
D. Conference Attendee
Note: At these conferences, I did not provide an oral or poster presentation.
International Statistical Ecology Conference, St. Andrews University, Scotland, 9-11 July 2008
24th Annual Meeting of the Waterbird Society, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA, 2000
E. Professional Memberships (Current)
None, all discontinued / allowed to expire following retirement / emancipation from academia on 22 July 2015.
F. Professional Memberships (Inactive)
The Wildlife Society (TWS) (Western Section, Colorado Chapter)
TWS Biometrics Working Group
Ecological Society of America (ESA) (Rocky Mountain Chapter)
ESA Statistical Ecology Section
ESA Long Term Studies Section
Alaska Chapter of The Wildlife Society
Pacific Seabird Group
Seabird Group
G. Reviewer
Note: I'm no longer (as of 22 July 2015) accepting offers to review for professional journals.
Northeast Naturalist
Marine Ornithology
Biological Conservation
Journal of Applied Ecology
Ecological Applications
Ringing and Migration
Journal of Avian Biology
Journal of Field Ornithology
Ecological Modeling
Wildlife Research
H. University Committee Contributions: Department of Biology, UNB
Search Committee to fill position of Department Chair, 2001, 2004
Space Committee, 2002
References Including Affiliation:
Co-author/Co-worker, Postdoctoral Fellowship 2009-2015, Colorado State University: John Hawkins, MSc
Status: Senior Research Associate, Larval Fish Laboratory
Address: Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523
Phone, Fax, Email: 970-491-2777, 491-5091 (fax), [email protected]
Co-worker, Postdoctoral Fellowship 2009-2015, Colorado State University: Cameron Walford, BSc
Status: Level-3 Research Associate, Larval Fish Laboratory
Address: Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523
Phone, Fax, Email: 970-491-5475, 491-5091 (fax), [email protected]
Postdoctoral Supervisor (2007-08): Dr. Brian M. Barnes
Status: Director, Institute of Arctic Biology; Professor of Zoophysiology
Address: University of Alaska Fairbanks, Institute of Arctic Biology, 311 Irving 1 Bldg
Phone, Fax, Email: 907-474-7649, [email protected]
Postdoctoral Supervisor (2005-08): Dr. C. Loren Buck
Status: Professor of Biology
Address: Northern Arizona University, Department of Biological Sciences, Bldg. 88, room 213, Flagstaff, Arizona
Phone, Fax, Email: 928-523-5976, [email protected]
Ph. D. Supervisor (2000-2005): Dr. Antony W. Diamond
Status: Research Professor, Wildlife Ecology, Departments of Biology and Forestry
Address: University of New Brunswick, Biology Department, P.O. Bag Service 45111, Fredericton, NB, Canada E3B 6E1
Phone, Fax, Email: 506-453-5006, [email protected]
Ph. D. Thesis External Examiner (2005): Dr. Paul F. Doherty, Jr.
Status: Associate Professor
Address: Colorado State University, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1474
Phone, Fax, Email: 970-491-6597, [email protected]
Supervisor (1995-2001) and Ph. D. Thesis Committee Member: Dr. Stephen W. Kress
Status: Director of the Seabird Restoration Program; and Vice President for Bird Conservation, National Audubon Society
Address: National Audubon Society, Seabird Restoration Program, 159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca, NY, 14850
Phone, Fax, Email: 607-257-7308, [email protected]
Wildlife & Quantitative Ecologist
Owner, Architect, & Lead Developer
Insight Database Design & Consulting
970-215-3833, [email protected]
Birth Year: 1971
Citizenship: USA
Academic Status: Emancipated, 22 July 2015
Curriculum Vitae Status: Complete 1990-2015
Note: As of 22 July 2015, the day of my emancipation from academia, I'm no longer working towards any academic status / goals, so this document is complete / will no longer be updated. If you have any questions please send those to [email protected].
University Appointments:
Affiliate Assistant Professor
Dept. of Biology, 2011-2012, University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA)
Graduate Student Thesis Committee Member
George G. Esslinger, UAA, MS, Temporal Patterns in the Behavior and Body Temperature of Sea Otters in Alaska. Graduated Spring 2011.
Undergraduate Student Honors Thesis Committee Member
Connor Jandreau, Colorado State University, BS, Patterns of micro and macro scale selection among small mammals of the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. Graduated Spring 2012.
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Nov 09 – July 15
Colorado Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Department of Fish, Wildlife & Conservation Biology, Colorado State University
Research Areas: Wildlife, Fisheries & Quantitative Ecology
Sept 07 - June 08
Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB),
University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF)
Research Areas: Wildlife & Quantitative Ecology
Postdoctoral Supervisor: Dr. Brian Barnes, Director IAB
Aug 05 - Sept 07
School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, UAF
Research Areas: Wildlife & Quantitative Ecology
Postdoctoral Supervisor: Dr. C. Loren Buck, Associate Professor,
University of Alaska Anchorage (previously at UAF)
Ph. D., Biology, University of New Brunswick Fredericton (UNBF), 2000 - 2005
B.A., Biology, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA), 1990 - 1994
6 Credits, Dean College, Massachusetts, 989 - 1990
Ph. D. Dissertation: Demographic Parameter Estimates and their Biological Implications for a Seabird Metapopulation. Thesis Committee: Drs. Antony W. Diamond (Supervisor), Stephen W. Kress, Richard Elliot, and Gregory Robertson
Academic Awards:
A. J. Levesque Award for an Outstanding Thesis in Biology, UNBF, 2006
Best Student Paper Award, Pacific Seabird Group and Waterbird Society Joint Meeting, Portland, Oregon, 2005
Biology Achievement Award (MCLA), 1994
Graduated with Honors, cum laude (3.4 GPA; MCLA), 1994
Deans List Scholar (MCLA), 1992 - 1994
Grants and Fellowships:
Kress, S.W., Hall S.C. and Breton, A.R., US Department of the Navy, $100,000, 2010 - 2011
National Audubon Society Research Grant: $25,000, 2000 - 2005
John S. Little International Study Fellowship (UNBF): $1,200, 2004
Research Experience:
A. Publications (PDFs available; †postdoc manuscript)
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Williams, C. T. K. Wilsterman, A.D. Kelley, A.R. Breton, H. Stark, M.M. Humphries, A.G. McAdam, B.M. Barnes, S. Boutin, and C.L. Buck. 2014. Light loggers reveal weather-driven changes in the daily activity patterns of arboreal and semi-fossorial rodents. Journal of Mammalogy
Breton, A. R., I.C.T. Nisbet, C. S. Mostello, & J. J. Hatch. 2014. Age-dependent breeding dispersal and adult survival within a metapopulation of Common Terns Sterna hirundo. Ibis 156:534–547.
Esslinger, G. G., J. L. Bodkin, A. R. Breton & D. H. Morrison. 2014. Temporal Patterns in the Foraging Behavior of Sea Otters in Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 78:689–700.
A. R. Breton, & A. W. Diamond. 2014. Annual survival of adult Atlantic Puffins Fratercula arctica is positively correlated with Herring Clupea harengus availability. Ibis 156:35-47.
†A. R. Breton, J. Hawkins., & D. L. Winkelman. 2013. Correcting length-frequency distributions for imperfect detection. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:1156-1165.
†Wolff, B. A., B. M. Johnson, A. R. Breton, P. J Martinez., D. L. Winkelman. 2012. Origins of invasive piscivores determined from the strontium isotope ratio (87Sr/86Sr) of otoliths. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 69: 724-739.
†Oppel, S., A. Raine, J. J. Borg, H. Raine, E. Bonnaud, K. Bourgeois, A.R. Breton. 2011. Is the Yelkouan shearwater Puffinus yelkouan threatened by low adult survival rates? Biological Conservation, 144:2255-2263.
Allard, K. A., , H. G. Gilchrist, A. R. Breton, C. D. Gilbert, & M. L. Mallory. 2010. Adult survival of Thayer’s and glaucous gulls nesting sympatrically in the Canadian High Arctic. Ardea, 98:43-51.
†Buck, C. L., A. R. Breton, O. Toien, B. M. Barnes. 2008. Overwinter body temperature patterns of free-living arctic ground squirrels (Spermophilus parryii). Lovegrove, B.G. and McKechnie, A.E. (eds.). Hypometabolism in animals: torpor, hibernation and cryobiology. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg. pgs. 317-326.
Breton, A. R., G. A. Fox, & J. Chardine. 2008. Survival of adult Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus) from a Lake Ontario colony over two decades of environmental change. Waterbirds, 31: 15-23.
†Breton, A. R., D. Kildaw, K. Murra, & C. L. Buck. 2008. Multilevel models reveal no cohort-level variation in time spent foraging to account for a collapse in kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) breeding success. Ecological Modeling, 212:233-243.
†Whidden, S. E., C. Williams, A. R. Breton, & C. L. Buck. 2007. Effects of radio-transmitters on Tufted Puffin (Fratercula cirrhata) reproductive success. Journal of Field Ornithology, 78:1-7.
Keeler, R., A. R. Breton, D. Peterson, & R. Cunjak. 2007. Survival and movement of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) in five New Brunswick streams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 136:281-292.
Allard, K. A., A. R. Breton, H. G. Gilchrist, & A. W. Diamond. 2006. Adult survival of herring gulls breeding in the Canadian Arctic. Waterbirds, 29:163-168.
Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, & S.W. Kress. 2006. Surface wear on incoloy and darvic bands applied to Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) adults and chicks. Journal of Field Ornithology, 77:111-119.
Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, & S.W. Kress. 2006. Encounter, survival, and movement probabilities from an Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) metapopulation. Ecological Monographs, 76:133-149.
Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, & S.W. Kress. 2005. Adult survival estimates from two Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) colonies in the Gulf of Maine. Auk, 122:773-782.
B. Peer-reviewed Academic & Federal Reports, Single Author
2010 - 2011, Variance components analyses of reproductive parameters: federally endangered california least terns and threatened western snowy plovers, Marine Base Camp Pendleton, San Diego, California
Note: This project was conducted at Marine Base Camp Pendleton in San Diego, California, USA. Research focused on the federally endangered California Least Tern (Sternula antillarum browni) and threatened Western Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus). The variance components analysis was part of a multi-chapter, comprehensive, report.
2008, A review of modern statistical methods used by animal demographers and protocols for estimating population abundance of two Arctic
ground squirrel colonies on the North Slope of Alaska
1998 - 2001, Annual Seal Island National Wildlife Refuge Research and Management Report, National Audubon Society’s Seabird Restoration Program, (NAS’s SRP) and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
1996 - 1997, Annual Eastern Egg Rock Research and Management Report, NAS’s SRP
C. Peer-reviewed Academic & Federal Reports, Co-authored
2014, A user manual for running population dynamics simulations in the projection tool developed for smallmouth bass (Micropterus
dolomieu) in the upper Colorado River basin
2013, Population dynamics modeling of introduced smallmouth bass into the upper Colorado River basin
2012, Management of Black-footed Albatross (Phoebastria nigripes) in the Face of Climate Change
2012, Escapement rates of translocated smallmouth bass from Elkhead Reservoir to the Yampa River
2011, A retrospective assessment of the Upper Colorado River Recovery Program's efforts to manage smallmouth bass
2007, Gulf Apex Predator-Prey Project Final Report, School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks
D. Experiential History including a Research Component
1996-2001, Research Supervisor/Refuge Warden (Maine), USFWS and NAS’s SRP
1998-1999, Research Biologist (Antarctica), for Dr. Wayne Z. Trivelpiece, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Southwest Fisheries
Science Center, University of California at San Diego
1996-1999, Bird Banding Assistant (Maine), Isles of Shoals Marine Lab - Cornell University and the University of New Hampshire
1996, 1997, Resource Manager, Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, Naples, Florida
1997, Research Biologist (California), Point Reyes Bird Observatory
1993-1995, Student and Research Assistant (Maine), NAS’s SRP
Software and Programming Experience:
High: Adobe Photoshop & Acrobat, Band Manager, FTP software, MARK, Microsoft (MS) Access, MS Office, PC Anywhere, SigmaPlot, R, Reference Manager, SAS, Survive, U-CARE, Visual Basic (VB)
Moderate: ArcGIS, ClockLab, Distance, Dreamweaver, Minitab, Presence, SQL
Low: CANOCO, dBase, Macintosh Operating System, Netica (Bayesian Belief Networks), VB.NET, WinBUGS, WebSim, WordPerfect
Teaching Experience:
A. Courses Instructed, Classroom
2007, Managing data with Microsoft Access: goals, philosophy and practice, UAF, Fall Semester, 12 lectures, No exams or teaching assistant
2002, Principles of Ecology (BIO2113), UNBF, Fall Semester, 32 lectures, no lab, 132 students, 3 exams, 1 teaching assistant
Note: For questions about my performance as the instructor of this course please contact Dr. Allen Curry, Department of Biology, UNBF, 506-452-6208.
B. Courses Instructed, Field
2007, Ometepe Biological Field Station on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua, Theory and application of Maximum Likelihood, Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC), capture-mark-recapture, distance sampling, and occupancy models, 10-15 Students, 22 June – 6 July
2005, Marine Field Course (BIO3173), Huntsman Marine Station, UNBF,, Intersession, Instructed Bird Ecology Section, 16 Students
1994, National Audubon Ecology Camp in Maine, Hog Island, An overview of the human and natural history of the Maine coast, 15-30 students
C. Courses Providing Teaching Assistance
2001-2002, Field Methods in Ecology (BIO2105), UNBF, Fall and Winter Semesters, two weekly lab sections, ca. 30 students/section
2000-2001, Man and the Biosphere (BIO1006, BIO1017), UNBF, Fall and Winter Semesters, two weekly lab sections, ca. 16 students/section
D. Tutor for Students with Learning Disabilities
2005, Statistics for the Social Sciences II (STAT3043), UNBF, Winter
2004, Statistics for the Life Sciences (STAT2264), UNBF, Fall
2004, Statistics for the Social Sciences I (STAT2043), UNBF, Fall
Note: For questions about my performance as a tutor please contact Jane Howard, STEP Project Coordinator, Student Accessibility Centre, UNBF, 506-453-3515.
E. Workshops Instructed (I) Or Assisted (A)
(A) Intermediate Program MARK Workshop, Colorado State University, June 2011, Instructed by Drs. Gary White, Ken Burnham, Bill Kendall and Paul Doherty.
(I) A Rapid-prototyping Structured Decision Making Workshop: four climate change case studies. Volcano National Park, Hawaii, March 2011, five days.
(A) Intermediate Program MARK Workshop, Colorado State University, June 2010, Instructed by Drs. Gary White, Ken Burnham, Bill Kendall and Paul Doherty.
(I) An Introduction to Capture-Mark-Recapture (CMR) and Program MARK. March 2006, University of Hannover, Institute for Wildlife Research, Hannover, Germany, two-day workshop, 0900 – 1800hrs/day.
(I) An Introduction to CMR and Program MARK. March 2006, University of Potsdam, Institute for Biochemistry and Biology, Potsdam, Germany, two-day workshop, 0900-1800hrs/day.
(I) Modeling Philosophy, CMR Analysis, and program MARK., April 2004, Fundy Forest Managers, two-day workshop, 0900-1630hrs/day.) Modeling Philosophy, CMR Analysis, and program MARK. UNBF, March 2004, one-day workshop, 0900-1700hrs, 1900-2200hrs.
(I) Managing data with Microsoft Access: design to data entry. UNBF, 2001, half-day workshop, 1300-1800hrs.
F. Invited Seminars/Lectures (presenter in bold)
Departmental Seminars
Graduate-Faculty Seminar Series, Colorado State University, 2011, An assessment of an Endangered Species Recovery Program's efforts to control smallmouth bass: past, present and future. Breton, A. R., D. L. Winkelman, K. R. Bestgen, J. Hawkins, G. C. White & P. J. Martinez.
Graduate-Faculty Seminar Series, Colorado State University, 2010, An Application of Multilevel Mixed Regression Models: Demonstrating the Value of Random Effects and Variance Components. Breton, A. R.
Biological Sciences Department, University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA), 2007, In Pursuit of Reliable Knowledge: science, uncertainty, and planning. Breton, A. R.
Biological Sciences Department, UAA, 2007, Multilevel models reveal no cohort-level variation in time spent foraging to explain a collapse in kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) breeding success. Breton, A. R.
Life Sciences Seminar Series, Institute of Arctic Biology, UAF, 2006, Exploring roles by dispersal and shared characteristics in local population dynamics. Breton, A. R.
Dept. of Biology, UNBF, 2004, Evidence versus significance in model selection problems. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, & S.W. Kress
Dept. of Biology, UNB St. John, 2003, A compelling and rigorous paradigm for investigating ecological processes. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, & S.W. Kress
Undergraduate Course Lectures
Adaptive Fish & Wildlife Management, CSU, 2013. A Structured Decision Making Case Study: Persistence of Black-footed Albatross in the face of climate change. Breton, A. R.
Wildlife Population Dynamics, CSU, 2011. Managing smallmouth bass in the face of uncertainty: Population Projection. Breton, A. R.
Wildlife Techniques, UAF, Institute of Arctic Biology 2005. An introduction to capture-mark-recapture. Breton, A. R.
Vertebrate Zoology, UNBF, Dept. Biology 2005. Research on Atlantic Puffin demography and insights into the life of a graduate student. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, & S.W. Kress
Principles of Ecology, UNBF, Dept. Biology 2003. Use of movement rates to determine emigrant status and estimate emigration rates in Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica). Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, & S.W. Kress
Population Biology, UNBF, Dept. Forestry & Environmental Management 2003. Adult survival of a long-lived seabird, the Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica), at two colonies in the Gulf of Maine. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, & S.W. Kress
Ornithology, UNBF, Dept. Biology 2002. Discovery, natural history, and ecology of the Sphenisciformes. Breton, A. R.
Fields Methods in Ecology, UNBF, Biology Dept. 2002. An introductory strategy for bird identification. Breton, A. R.
Management Seminars: Upper Colorado River Basin Endangered Fish Recovery Program's Non-native Fish Management Workshops: Sponsored by the USFWS.
2013, Population trends of smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin with an evaluation of removal effects. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman & J. A. Hawkins.
2013, Population dynamics modeling of introduced smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman & J. A. Hawkins.
2012, A Revised retrospective assessment of the Recovery Program's effort to control smallmouth bass: 2001-2011. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
2012, Escapement rates of translocated smallmouth bass from Elkhead Reservoir to the Yampa River. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
2012, Population dynamics modeling of introduced smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
2011, A Revised retrospective assessment of the Recovery Program's effort to control smallmouth bass: 2001-2010. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
2011, Escapement rates of translocated smallmouth bass from Elkhead Reservoir to the Yampa River. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
2011, A comprehensive, size-structured, smallmouth bass population dynamics model and projection tool. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
2010, A retrospective assessment of the recovery program's effort to control smallmouth bass. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins, G. C. White & P. J. Martinez.
2010, Population dynamics modeling of introduced smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
2009, Population dynamics modeling of introduced smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
All Other Management Seminars
2005 (winter) Gulf of Maine Seabird Working Group (GoMSWG) meeting. Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Bangor, Maine. Demographic parameter estimates and their biological implications for a seabird metapopulation. Breton, A. R.
2004 (fall) GoMSWG meeting. National Audubon Camp on Hog Island, Maine. Encounter, survival, and movement probabilities from an Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) metapopulation. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond & S.W. Kress.
2003 (winter) GoMSWG meeting. Craig Brook National Fish Hatchery, Maine. Evaluating the reliability of covariate analysis using survival rates from colony-based studies. Breton, A. R.
2002 (fall) GoMSWG meeting. National Audubon Camp on Hog Island, Maine. Estimating survival and movement probabilities for a seabird metapopulation: a summary of progress so far. Breton, A. R.
2001 (winter) GoMSWG meeting. Campobello Island, New Brunswick. Colony and year effects on survival, intercolony movement, and emigration of Atlantic puffins (Fratercula arctica) in the Gulf of Maine. Breton, A. R.
Other Seminars including Job Interviews (position in parentheses)
2008 (Assistant Faculty) Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY: A case study on the foraging ecology of black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla): demonstrating the value of multi-level mixed models and their Variance Components. Breton, A. R.
2007 (Research Associate) Archbold Biological Station, Lake Placid, Florida: An ecological case study demonstrating the value of multi-level mixed models and their variance components. Breton, A. R.
2006 Institute for molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Porto Portugal, An Antarctic experience, life and research on King George Island, South Shetlands. A. R. Breton.
2005 UAF Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society: An Antarctic experience: life and research on King George Island, South Shetlands. Breton, A. R.
2005 Feathers on Friday, UAF: Encounter, survival, and movement probabilities from an Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) metapopulation. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond & S.W. Kress.
G. Conference Presentations
Upper Colorado River Basin Endangered Fish Recovery Program's Researchers Meeting: Sponsored by the USFWS
2014, Population dynamics modeling of introduced smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman & J. A. Hawkins.
2014, Population trends of smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin with an evaluation of removal effects. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman & J. A. Hawkins.
2013, Abundance and population trends of smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman & J. A. Hawkins.
2012, A Revised retrospective assessment of the Recovery Program's effort to control smallmouth bass: 2001-2011. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
2012, Escapement rates of translocated smallmouth bass from Elkhead Reservoir to the Yampa River. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
2011, A Revised retrospective assessment of the Recovery Program's effort to control smallmouth bass: 2001-2010. Breton, A. R., K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins & G. C. White.
2010, Working towards A unified database and meta-analysis of the Recovery Program's smallmouth bass dataset: progress in data management, software and preliminary analyses. Breton, A. R.
All Other Conference Presentations
34th Annual Pacific Seabird Group Conference, Monterey, California. 2007. Multilevel models reveal no cohort-level variation in time spent foraging to explain a collapse in kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) breeding success. Breton, A. R., S. D. Kildaw, K. Murra & C. L. Buck.
9th International Seabird Group Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland. 2006. Variation in nest attendance among years and colonies in the Black-Legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla). Breton, A. R., S. D. Kildaw, K. Murra & C. L. Buck.
33rd Annual Pacific Seabird Group Conference, Girdwood, Alaska. 2006. On the crucial importance of using databases to manage ecological data: seabird case studies from Kodiak Island and the Gulf of Maine. Breton, A. R., S.W. Kress, A. W. Diamond, S. D. Kildaw, F. Huettmann & C. L. Buck.
2005 Pacific Seabird Group and Waterbird Society Joint Meeting, Portland, Oregon. Encounter, survival, and movement probabilities from an Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) metapopulation. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond & S.W. Kress
9th Annual Atlantic Cooperative Wildlife Ecology Research Network (ACWERN) Conference. UNBF, 2004. Encounter, survival, and movement probabilities from an Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) metapopulation. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, & S.W. Kress.
8th Annual ACWERN Conference. Acadia University, Nova Scotia. 2003. Challenges in estimating seabird demographic parameters: insights and uncertainty. Breton, A. R.
2003 Annual Northeast Wildlife Graduate Student Conference (NWGSC). University of Prince Edward Island. Evaluating the reliability of covariate analysis using survivla rates from colony-based studies. Breton, A. R.
11th Annual Graduate Student Association Conference on Student Research. UNBF, 2003. What is science? Breton, A. R.
2002 Annual NWGSC. UNBF. Adult survival of a long-lived seabird, the Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica), in the Gulf of Maine. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond & S.W. Kress.
6th Annual ACWERN Conference. Sackville, New Brunswick. 2001. Estimating age-specific survival and distribution of emigrants between colonies of Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) in the Gulf of Maine. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond & S.W. Kress.
2001 Annual NWGSC. University of New Hampshire. Colony and year effects on survival, intercolony movement, and emigration of Atlantic Puffins (Fratercula arctica) in the Gulf of Maine. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond & S.W. Kress.
5th Annual ACWERN Conference. Huntsman Marine Lab, New Brunswick. 2000. Sub-adult survival and intercolony movement of Atlantic Puffins (Fratercula arctica) in the Gulf of Maine. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond & S.W. Kress.
H. Conference Posters
9th International Seabird Group Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland. 2006. A comparative analysis of surface wear on incoloy and darvic rings applied to juvenile and adult Atlantic puffins (Fratercula arctica). Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond & S.W. Kress.
25th Anniversary Meeting of the Waterbird Society. Niagara Falls, Canada. 2001. Estimating age-specific survival and distribution of emigrants between colonies of Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) in the Gulf of Maine. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond & S.W. Kress.
The Application of Ecological Research to Conservation: east meets west. Simon Fraser University and Environment Canada, British Columbia. 2001. Estimating age-specific survival and distribution of emigrants between colonies of Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) in the Gulf of Maine. Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond & S.W. Kress.
I. Experiential History including a Teaching Component
1996 - 2001, Research Supervisor/Refuge Warden (Maine), United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and NAS’s SRP
1996 - 1997, Outdoor Educator (Florida), NAS, Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary
1994 - 1995, Interpretive Ranger (Arizona), National Park Service, Grand Canyon National Park
1993 - 1994, Student Assistant (Maine), NAS, Audubon Ecology Camp in Maine
Professional Activities:
A. Professional Consultation (contact in parentheses, lists not exhaustive)
Note: Much of my consulting activity has been through my sole proprietorship, Insight Database Design & Consulting, a licensed company in the State of Colorado (previously, Alaska). My clients have been almost exclusively wildlife and fisheries science professionals from academia, state, provincial and federal government. To date, the company has provided consulting in data management, data analysis, study design and professional writing and editing.
Capture-Mark-Recapture Analysis
2012-present, United States Fish & Wildlife Service, Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge (Sara Williams)
2013-present, Tufts University (Dr. Julie Ellis)
2011-2012, Utah Department of Natural Resources (Trina Hedrick)
2010-2014, I.C.T. Consulting, North Falmouth, Massachusetts (Dr. Ian Nisbet)
2010-present, Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, Ontario (Dr. Grant Gilchrist)
2005-present, Atlantic Cooperative Wildlife Ecology Research Network (Dr. Antony Diamond)
2003-2008, Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, Ontario (Dr. Glen Fox)
Data Management, Microsoft Access and Visual Basic 6.0
2015-present, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, United Kingdom (Dr. Alex Bond)
2012-present, United States Fish & Wildlife Service, Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge (Sara Williams)
2012-present, Tufts University (Dr. Julie Ellis)
2010-present, Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, Ontario (Dr. Grant Gilchrist)
2000-present, National Audubon Society, New York, NY (Dr. Stephen Kress)
2005-present, Atlantic Cooperative Wildlife Ecology Research Network (Dr. Antony Diamond)
2009-2011, United States Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center (Gary Drew)
2008, United States Fish & Wildlife Service, Togiak National Wildlife Refuge, Dillingham, Alaska (Allen Miller)
2008-2014, IC.T. Consulting, North Falmouth, Massachusetts (Dr. Ian Nisbet)
2006-2007, Specialist Group on Storks, Ibises, and Spoonbills (Dr. Malcolm Coulter)
2006, Bureau of Land Management, US Department of the Interior, Fairbanks, Alaska (Jon Syder)
2005-2006, United States Fish & Wildlife Service, California Seabird Restoration Project, Sacramento, California (Peter Kappes)
2003-2008, Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, Ontario (Dr. Glen Fox)
General Statistics
2008, United States Geological Survey, Multi-level mixed models/GLMs (George Esslinger)
Wildlife Ecology
2001-2010, Ganglion Films, New York, NY, including on-film commentary in the natural history documentary A Fish out of Water
Professional Writing
2013, 2014, Integrative Physiotherapy, A Physical Therapy Clinic in Fort Collins, Colorado, website text (http://integrativephysiotherapy.com/)
B. Workshop and Conference Organizer (including responsibilities)
Feb 2007, Short Course Coordinator: Why Information-Theoretic Approaches are Replacing Tests and P-values, Dr. David R. Anderson (retired, Colorado State University and F&W Cooperative Unit),
May 2006, 34th Annual Pacific Seabird Group Conference, Monterey, CA, Planning Committee Participant, Multi-media Coordinator, Workshop, Liaison: Model Selection and Multimodel Inference, Dr. David R. Anderson
Nov 2004, Planning Committee Participant, Multi-media Coordinator, Web Page Design and Implementation, Conference Liaison: 9th Annual Atlantic Cooperative Wildlife Ecology Research Network Conference, UNBF
March 2002, Planning Committee Participant, Multi-media, Publicity/Entertainment Coordinator: Northeast Wildlife Graduate Student Conference, UNBF
C. Workshop/Short Course Participant
Nov 2011, Overview of Information-Theoretic Approaches to Formal Inference, Colorado State University (CSU), Dr. David Anderson,
Sept 2011, R workshop, CSU, Dr. Mevin Hooten
Aug 2011, An Advanced program MARK Workshop, Drs. Gary White, Ken Burnham, Evan Cooch, William Kendall, Jeff Laake, Brett McClintock, Chad Bishop, Jake Ivan and Larissa Bailey., CSU
Nov 2010, Overview of Information-Theoretic Approaches to Formal Inference, Colorado State University (CSU), Dr. David Anderson
2008, An Intermediate-level Workshop on Occupancy Models, Dr. Daryl Mackenzie, Proteus Wildlife Research Consultants, UAF, Institute of Arctic Biology
2007, Introduction to programming in R (open source statistical software), Dr. Naoki Takebayashi, UAF, Institute of Arctic Biology,
2007, International Multidisciplinary Metadata Workshop, Multiple Instructors, UAF 2001
Feb 2007, Why Information-Theoretic Approaches are Replacing Tests and P-values, Dr. David R. Anderson, 34th annual Pacific Seabird Group Conference, Monterey, CA
March 2006, Model Selection and Multimodel Inference, Dr. David R. Anderson, UAF,
Jan 2005, Principle Components Analysis, Correspondence Analysis (CA), and Canonical CA Workshop, Dr. Kate Frego (instructor), UNB St. John
Nov 2004, Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems Workshop on Dispersal and Invasions Research, Dr. James Watmough (moderator), Fredericton, New Brunswick
Feb 2004, Multivariate Statistics and their Use in Interpretation of Ecological Data, Dr. Paul Van den Brink, Alterra Green World Research, Netherlands (instructor), UNBF
June 2003 & June 2004, Program MARK Intermediate Level Workshop, Dr.’s David Anderson, Kenneth Burnham, Paul Doherty, and Gary White (instructors), Colorado State University and Colorado Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Nov 2001, Band Manager Workshop (Bird Banding Lab, US Geological Survey), Nicole Benjamin (instructor), UNBF
Dec 2000, Capture-Mark-Recapture Workshop, Dr. Greg Robertson (instructor), Canadian Wildlife Service, UNBF,
D. Conference Attendee
Note: At these conferences, I did not provide an oral or poster presentation.
International Statistical Ecology Conference, St. Andrews University, Scotland, 9-11 July 2008
24th Annual Meeting of the Waterbird Society, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA, 2000
E. Professional Memberships (Current)
None, all discontinued / allowed to expire following retirement / emancipation from academia on 22 July 2015.
F. Professional Memberships (Inactive)
The Wildlife Society (TWS) (Western Section, Colorado Chapter)
TWS Biometrics Working Group
Ecological Society of America (ESA) (Rocky Mountain Chapter)
ESA Statistical Ecology Section
ESA Long Term Studies Section
Alaska Chapter of The Wildlife Society
Pacific Seabird Group
Seabird Group
G. Reviewer
Note: I'm no longer (as of 22 July 2015) accepting offers to review for professional journals.
Northeast Naturalist
Marine Ornithology
Biological Conservation
Journal of Applied Ecology
Ecological Applications
Ringing and Migration
Journal of Avian Biology
Journal of Field Ornithology
Ecological Modeling
Wildlife Research
H. University Committee Contributions: Department of Biology, UNB
Search Committee to fill position of Department Chair, 2001, 2004
Space Committee, 2002
References Including Affiliation:
Co-author/Co-worker, Postdoctoral Fellowship 2009-2015, Colorado State University: John Hawkins, MSc
Status: Senior Research Associate, Larval Fish Laboratory
Address: Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523
Phone, Fax, Email: 970-491-2777, 491-5091 (fax), [email protected]
Co-worker, Postdoctoral Fellowship 2009-2015, Colorado State University: Cameron Walford, BSc
Status: Level-3 Research Associate, Larval Fish Laboratory
Address: Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523
Phone, Fax, Email: 970-491-5475, 491-5091 (fax), [email protected]
Postdoctoral Supervisor (2007-08): Dr. Brian M. Barnes
Status: Director, Institute of Arctic Biology; Professor of Zoophysiology
Address: University of Alaska Fairbanks, Institute of Arctic Biology, 311 Irving 1 Bldg
Phone, Fax, Email: 907-474-7649, [email protected]
Postdoctoral Supervisor (2005-08): Dr. C. Loren Buck
Status: Professor of Biology
Address: Northern Arizona University, Department of Biological Sciences, Bldg. 88, room 213, Flagstaff, Arizona
Phone, Fax, Email: 928-523-5976, [email protected]
Ph. D. Supervisor (2000-2005): Dr. Antony W. Diamond
Status: Research Professor, Wildlife Ecology, Departments of Biology and Forestry
Address: University of New Brunswick, Biology Department, P.O. Bag Service 45111, Fredericton, NB, Canada E3B 6E1
Phone, Fax, Email: 506-453-5006, [email protected]
Ph. D. Thesis External Examiner (2005): Dr. Paul F. Doherty, Jr.
Status: Associate Professor
Address: Colorado State University, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1474
Phone, Fax, Email: 970-491-6597, [email protected]
Supervisor (1995-2001) and Ph. D. Thesis Committee Member: Dr. Stephen W. Kress
Status: Director of the Seabird Restoration Program; and Vice President for Bird Conservation, National Audubon Society
Address: National Audubon Society, Seabird Restoration Program, 159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca, NY, 14850
Phone, Fax, Email: 607-257-7308, [email protected]